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An explanation of the Fiverr website and a full explanation of how to buy and sell inside the site

  An explanation of the Fiverr website and a comprehensive guide that shows you all the necessary steps for buying and selling through this giant site, this is the area and topic of our conversation through this article.

Explanation of Fiverr

This is the third article in the series of fiverr explanations, as I am here through the earn site, I made sure to provide you with a sufficient and adequate explanation of everything that is going on on the site so that you can use it properly.

The first article explained everything related to the site in terms of its importance and the features it offers, as well as the idea of ​​the site and how it works, so I advise you to start with this article, and you can view it through the link below.

In the second article of the Fiverr website series, I provided you with a comprehensive guide that explains the steps for registering on the site step by step, so if you do not have an account on the site, you should read the second article through the following link.

  • The best ways to earn fiverr is a freelance site and a full explanation of the registration method

In this article, I will explain to you the control panel from the inside and humiliation for the seller or buyer, and I will also explain how to buy and sell services through this giant site, so I think that this article will make you familiar with all the details.

Explanation of the Fiverr website and a full view of the control panel 

The default account makes you a buyer on the site, and there are some steps through which you can convert the buyer's account to a public account so that you can offer your services for sale, and all these steps are explained in detail in the second article of the series.

If you are a buyer on the site you will find the following parts:

top bar

Which contains some icons for managing the account and data, and the following are the icons it contains, such as the account icon, settings, balance and support for the site, in addition to messages, search rectangle and other icons.

If you are a seller of services through the best fiverr profit sites, a site in the field of self-employment, you will find the following sections and icons:

  1. Site control panel 
  2. messages you have received.
  3. Requests for services that you provided through Fiverr.
  4. The services you provide through the website.
  5. Analytics.
  6. Profits made by selling services.
  7. Special section of the Balbodcast Wall.
  8. More. Here, this option contains some icons, such as the training courses offered by the site, means of communication with the site, and others.

On the right of the screen, you will find the option to switch to buying, and through this icon you can navigate the site from a seller to a buyer and vice versa.

These are the most important icons that the site contains, whether in the buyer’s account or the general account, and now the time has come to talk about how to buy and sell services through Fiverr in detail.

Explain the Fiverr website and how to buy and sell

I will explain to you the steps of buying and selling through the site, by fully explaining the process of buying and selling for a particular service, and therefore if you are a seller or buyer, you will understand all the details.

1. Service selection by seller

At first, the seller browses the services on the site, and the required service can be quickly accessed by typing in the search box or browsing the sections.

In a comprehensive article in the Fiverr series, I will show you how to choose the best possible service at the lowest prices, and I will also show sellers how to reach customers and develop quickly on the site.

After clicking on the service, you will go to its page, which contains all the details, so read it well.

In the right part, you will find a rectangle showing the three packages of the service, and here each package has certain features and a different price, so see all these details in order to be able to choose the package that suits what is required.

You will also find on this page a link to contact the seller, so you can click on it and send a message to the seller in order to inquire about anything you want.

After you finish checking the details, if you decide to purchase the service, choose the package and press the continue button, and thus you will go to another page where you can choose the number of services you want to buy from the seller.

2. Complete the payment process

After choosing the number of services required and pressing the Continue button, you will be directed to the payment page. Here the site provides you with two methods of payment:

  1. Payment via Visa or MasterCard and must be valid for use online.
  2. Payment through PayPal account.

I explained in a comprehensive article how to create a PayPal account and activate it with the best Visa in Egypt, it will cost you only 5 pounds, so if you are an Egyptian you will find the best solution through this article, but if you are not an Egyptian you will find a full explanation of the steps for creating and activating the account as well, you can enter the article From the following link:

After completing the payment process, a message is sent to the seller that someone has requested the service, and therefore he can enter this notice and thus identify what is required.

I previously explained through an article how to create a Gig on the site and in one of the steps that when creating the service you have to enter the required from the seller in order to provide you with the details and thus start implementation.

So here, in this step, the buyer provides the information required by the seller and it varies from one service to another. For example, in the field of writing articles, the seller asks the buyer for details of the required articles and keywords.

3. Determining the requirements for the service through the buyer

Here the buyer moves to another page where he has to write the requirements and details he needs in the service, and of course, these requirements must be compatible with the offer offered by the seller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

After writing the requirements, the service request continues, and here the implementation process begins by the seller, so the buyer will have to wait until the seller finishes providing the required.

4. Service provision stage

After the seller completes the implementation of the service, he sends it to the buyer, and here the site allows sending the work file, provided that its size does not exceed 1 GB with your letter to the buyer.

Here, the buyer receives a notice from the site stating that the seller has finished his work, and therefore he can view the work file and then receive the service or request modifications.

After completing the delivery of the service, the money is transferred to the seller’s account by 80%, as we previously mentioned that the site receives 20% commission.

5. Service evaluation

After completing the delivery, the buyer goes to a page where he can evaluate the service provided to him by the seller, so he will express through this evaluation the extent of his satisfaction or dissatisfaction with what the seller provided him.

The buyer can also leave a comment on the service explaining his experience with the buyer, and he also goes to another page after completion. The site asks him whether he wants to provide an additional amount to the seller as an appreciation for him or not, and here he can accept or reject. 

Of course, the buyer receives a notification of the rating and comment made by the buyer, and he can also rate and comment the seller  .

This is a comprehensive talk about explaining the Fiverr website in terms of how to request, implement and deliver the service, and I made sure to provide the detailed steps for this process in order for you to better understand the website and to be able to deal with it with ease.

This is the third article of fiverr's explanation articles, so I advise you to look at the previous two articles in addition to the fourth article, in which I will explain how to choose the right service by the buyer, and how the seller reaches the largest number of customers.

If you found the article useful, feel free to share it on social media with your friends. 

If you have a question or inquiry, I invite you to put a comment below and I will respond to you myself, God willing.

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